Broilers are reared for commercial marketing of the chicken meat and Broilers are small chickens that are 5-6 weeks old. Broiler chicken is a popular bird in poultry farming in India. Broiler chicken farming can be done in small scale poultry farms to large industrial broiler farms. The conclusion of 1000 broiler chicken farming project reportīroiler farming is one of the most profitable livestock businesses in India.Prevention and control of disease in Broiler farming.Sanction of Bank loan and its disbursement for 1000 broiler chicken farming model project.Financial assistance available from Banks for Broiler farming.Revenue or profit margin in for 1000 broiler chicken farming model project.The cost for 1000 broiler chicken farming model project.Recurring expenditure for 1000 broiler chicken farming model project.Capital expenditure for 1000 broiler chicken farming model project.